Di Più Systems S.r.l., Breganze, Italy

Recovering waste and by-products from industrial production and exploiting them as a resource; reducing volumes and moderating transport and storage costs; recycling waste and making it a precious energy source: these are the needs that led Di Più Systems to develop a complete range of briquetting presses and, in thirty years' experience, to acquire the technological and design know-how that has made it one of the leaders in its category at world level. Sawdust, agricultural process residues, waste from polymer materials, scrap and sludges from machining metals and more, are some of the materials that can be processed with the Brik, Metalbrik, Sludgebrik and Oleobrik series of briquetting presses.

Serija Slugdebrik | Vračanje hladilnih maziv iz proizvodnih odpadkov

Serija Sludgebrik je namenjena vračanju hladilnega olja ali emulzije, ki je vsebovana v ostankih, ki nastajajo pri mehanskih obdelavah.
Nastali briketi so primerni za recikliranje v livarnah - gre torej za proces, ki stroške za obdelavo odpadkov spremenijo v neposredni dobiček.

Na slikah je model Sludgebrik HB2 200/80. Material sestavljajo ostanki jekla, ki so nastali pri mehanskem brušenju ventilov za avtomobile, Proces omogoča pridobivanje 20 kg hladilnega maziva na uro ter proizvodnjo 65 kg briketov na uro.

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